"It's here! The sale you've been waiting for."
Now that the "Cash For Clunkers" program has officially begun (Time.com), it should be interesting to see how dealers advertise/promote the program. Many have been promoting it before it began, but everyone will probably jump on this now.
With the closing of many stores this year, the strong dealers have survived. One of their obvious (and sensible) strategies has been to cut back on advertising. With the CARS program (as it's officially called) having limited funds, dealers will need to stand out from their remaining competitors.
What should be fascinating is the dealer-created modifications to the program. Chrysler was out of the gate with the matching program. How many dealers are going to offer discounts on vehicles that don't qualify? Even though the used car market has been stronger than new in the recession, will they offer their own program for used?
How confused with the consumer be? Will this become a free-for-all? Or, will the surviving dealers use sounder communication strategies? It will be interesting to watch this play out.