When I was in kindergarten, my dad had pulled my sisters from a religious school and we were all going to public school the next year. My cousins all went to this school and I was extremely disappointed. For some reason, I really liked plaid jumpers! My cousins told me that in first grade at their school, they had chocolate milk AND they taught you how to read.
How could my dad not send me?
I decided to corner him on this and told him if I went to their school, I'd learn how to read! (I figured the chocolate milk wouldn't fly as a good argument). I'll never forget his vehement reaction, "They'll teach you how to read in the public school." I was skeptical, but had no choice.
When I told someone this story recently, I realized that two things that were extremely important to me at five years old (chocolate and reading) still make my top ten. Are we all just kids at heart? What do you value?