Monday, September 7, 2009

"How to Videos" for Your Business

The Beyond Madison Avenue blog lists ten reasons you should use online video for your business. I have actually been helping a former colleague produce videos for his store the last couple weeks. We're in production and they should all be live in the next week.

I have been a huge fan of this concept for months. What holds people back, however, is the "fear" of shooting spots and editing them. I showed my colleague a demo of a video I did myself, but he felt more comfortable hiring a production company he found on

Another concern is, what should the content be? Let's get back to basics and think about what is relevant to the customer. Do they want to see your latest :30 TV spot? Not likely. Outtakes? Maybe - but that may be better suited for your Facebook fan page. What about a "how to video" on features for your product? In the car business, a how to video on setting up the Bluetooth system in your car might be helpful. For a food product, how to grill or cook using an alternative method. For your customers who are visual learners, this tool can be extremely helpful.

So, go out and get your own video. Shoot some spots. Have some fun. And engage your customers, as well as future customers.