Per Adweek, some holiday forecasts hold out some hope. One word can summarize what products need to portray to consumers: Relevance.
Shoppers want to buy gifts that will get used and not get stuck in the back of a closet. Or get's "re-gifted" next year. That's always been their goal, but it's even more important in this economy.
No one wants to appear wasteful, so shoppers will use lists more and will probably start shopping sooner.
The companies that will win this holiday season, now more than ever, are the ones who integrate their media choices and solve problems. As consumers go back to basics, so must marketers. The experience from your product has to fit a need. We all know consumers don't buy a drill because they need a drill. They need holes.
I just hope my holiday gift giving doesn't any "gifts that keep on giving" - my family's term for re-gifting.