Friday, August 28, 2009

Digital Relevance

I attended an amazing free seminar yesterday on "Writing for the Web." I thought it was going to be about search engine optimization techniques for your copy. It was so much more.

The presenter shared a tremendous amount of research information about consumer habits online. They key focus of the presentation was making your site easy to understand and easy to use for the consumer. It's sound obvious, but many sites are cluttered and difficult to navigate. The bottom line is stay relevant to the consumer.

Why do we forget this? Why do advertisers hear "video on YouTube is hot," and conclude posting their TV spots is what consumers want to see? We should never forget about the customer. Instead of a :30 TV spot, I'd like to see a "how-to" video on using or buying the product. Tell me about your company, why I should buy from you, etc. As a consumer, that's what I care about. What about you?