A recent AdAge white paper concludes the concept of the "average American" is gone forever.
Whew! I'm relieved. If a media recommendation of A25-54 on network TV was still the best way to reach the "masses," we'd all be in trouble. The good news is media has led the way in segmentation.
While we have a gazillion channels (with nothing on), consumers have had more and more choices for several years. Yet most people only watch about six channels. The obvious conclusion is the markets are more and more segmented. Yet, you can consistently reach your targeted audience.
This also gives creative the opportunity to craft a message that ties into specific wants and needs of your targeted audience. Instead of just trying to appeal to everyone. It may be shocking, but I have worked with clients in the last few years who still want to have a "menu" approach to creative - something for everyone.
What initially may sound challenging is really just support for strong recommendations. The key is to know who your customer is. Or isn't. Guessing doesn't cut it anymore (it never really should have).