While working on a freelance project last week, I discovered a local source reselling Yahoo! Behavioral Targeting at a higher cost than going directly through Yahoo! The advantages of using the local source include “free” services for creative and placement. That’s it. Yahoo! Provides templates or you can use your own creative. If your budget is over $2,500 per month, Yahoo! also provides telephone support.
A friend of mine (JS – you know who you are) had mentioned this was happening across the country, so I asked the sale team I met with about the rate difference. The sales manager admitted it was less expensive to go direct. I actually found this refreshing, as most managers would have danced around the question.
What this means for you is “let the buyer beware.” Before trying a new product, investigate. Especially if it’s through a reseller. Don’t assume they pay a cheaper rate for their inventory and are selling it to you at a savings.